How We Monitor Progress Part 1
July 16, 2020Transcript Hi, I’m Dr. Branyon. Welcome to my windshield office. Yes, it’s just what it says, windshield office. That means I’m driving in the car. I spend so much time going back and forth to work and from state to state that sometimes it feels like I should be getting a whole lot more work […]
Remember who you are: You are a Magnificent Human Being
July 16, 2020Transcript Hi, I’m Dr. Branyon with New Hope Unlimited. I thought about what I wanted to say today and I have so much to teach, and to explain and to give you. But today I thought I take just a few minutes and tell you what’s on my heart. My heart tells me that there […]
How Fast Can You Go Into Remission
July 16, 2020Transcript Hi, I’m Dr. Branyon with New Hope Unlimited. As I was thinking about what topic I wanted to talk about today, I was thinking about what we had done just recently about the difference in remission and cure. Well, it is – all the time when patients will come up to me or one […]
Transcript Hi I’m Dr. Branyon with New Hope Unlimited. Thanks for joining me again, This is gonna be part 3 of the difference in remission and cure. We’ve talked about the difference in how the United States did in the old days. How the United States is doing now. And this part, I wanna talk […]
The Difference between Remission and Cure Part 2: What it Means in the United States Today
July 16, 2020Transcript Hi, I’m Dr. Branyon with New Hope Unlimited. Thanks for joining me again today. I appreciate it. Well in our last video we did part 1 of what the difference is between remission and cure. And we talked about in the old days what remission and cure meant in the United States. Well, today […]
The Difference between Remission and Cure
July 16, 2020Transcript Hi I’m Doctor Branyon with New Hope Unlimited. Thanks for joining me today. Today’s topic, I wanna talk about remission and cure. What’s the difference? Now I got a feeling that this is gonna be a long video so we’re gonna do it in parts. So here goes with part 1. Back in the […]
Rebecca and Rudy – Two different stories of Belief
July 16, 2020Transcript Hi, I’m Dr. Branyon with New Hope Unlimited. I want to give you two stories today on the topic of believing. Yesterday, we talked about being comfortable with the doctor you choose and the treatments that you choose. And if you finally do feel comfortable and feel okay about the treatments that you’re doing, […]
What to look for in a Doctor (after your Cancer Diagnosis) and the Power of Belief
July 16, 2020Transcript Hi, I’m Dr. Branyon with New Hope Unlimited. Yesterday, we touched shortly on a few of the treatment modalities that one has to choose from when you’ve got a diagnosis of cancer and that’s the holistic, the alternative, complementary, integrative, origination medicine or simply the traditional chemotherapy and radiation. Well, I hope you’ve had […]
What treatment options do you have after a cancer diagnosis?
July 16, 2020Transcript Hi, I’m Dr. Branyon with New Hope Unlimited. I’d like today to take up where we left off yesterday. First things first. When you’re first diagnosed or when a family member or loved one’s first diagnosed. We talked about the fear and the anxiety and not knowing where and what to do. Well, I […]
What to do after getting first diagnosed with cancer
July 16, 2020Transcript Hi I’m Dr. Branyon with New Hope Unlimited. Today’s subject, I decided I wanted to talk about being first diagnosed. I know that if you’ve got cancer or if you are a caregiver of someone who’s been diagnosed, I know that if you think about it, you can remember the moment or the day […]