

Suicide Among Lung Cancer Patients

 July 6, 2019

Hannah Nichols has written a surprise article on the elevated risk of suicide among lung cancer patients.  New research was presented at the American Thoracic Society’s 2017 international conference regarding this elevated suicide risk. The American Cancer Society reports that excluding skin cancer, lung cancer is the second most common form of cancer in the […]

Contributors to Depression and Anxiety

 June 19, 2019

The number of teens exhibiting depression has spiked since 2011 and shows that girls are more prone than boys at this age.  Social media may very well be a part of the problem, according to the researchers.  Federal data was analyzed from 2005 to 2014 that revealed about 500,000 American teens struggle with depression with […]

Can Our Emotions Impact Tumor Growth?

 June 11, 2019

Maria Cohut answered this question in an article that was fact checked by Jasmin Collier. Can we tell our brain to actually boost the body’s immune response against cancer tumors? According to researchers they do believe the answer to this is “yes,” by manipulating the activity of the brain’s reward system. It has been demonstrated […]

Your Health During and After Daylight Savings Time

 January 5, 2019

Daylight Saving Time (DST) is the practice of setting the clocks an hour ahead of the standard time. The change, which moves an hour of natural daylight from the morning to the evening, costs millions of Americans an extra 60 minutes of sleep throughout spring and summer. Unfortunately, the time change may do more harm […]

What Is Homeopathy?

 December 11, 2018

Homeopathy is a medical system that is based on the belief that the body can cure itself. Tiny amounts of natural substances such as plants and minerals are used that they believe will stimulate the healing process. In the 1700’s in Germany, this belief was developed and is common in many European countries. It is […]

Workplace Bullying

 July 26, 2018

There are many forms of bullying in the workplace, whether it happens to be a co-worker who “forgets” to share important information, a clique that spreads gossip or even a boss who humiliates subordinates. These are all definitions of a hostile work environment that no one should have to be subjected to. Intimidation, threats, and […]

Facebook Lurking

 July 5, 2018

Are you a lurker?  Well, every month about 1.65 billion people are actively using the social media site Facebook.  Each user is spending about 50 minutes using the site each day, which is really more time than you realize and more than on any other leisure activity except for TV watching.  On the average the […]

Are you Grounded?

 June 28, 2016

 Are you running around crazy half the time?  In today’s fast-paced living, we all tend to miss that connection that is most important to our sustained energy and physical well-being.  You must feel like your feet are resting on the earth and you are receiving energy from the earth.  If you are grounded, you feel […]

Increasing Depression Can Predict Higher Dementia Risk

 June 1, 2016

Early stages of dementia may be indicated when symptoms of depression steadily increase in older adults, as indicated in a study linking dementia and depression.  This report was published in The Lancet Psychiatry Journal. Those diagnosed with dementia commonly show symptoms of depression.  Some might experience depressive symptoms only transiently, followed by full remission while […]

Some of the Top Stressors at Work

 November 3, 2014

Some of the Top Stressors at Work We spend most of our waking hours at work – so what are some of the stressors we need to be aware of? Work eats up most of our weekdays, at the minimum, 8 productive hours each day or at least 1/3rd of our daily schedule, while for […]