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Dr. Fredda Branyon
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3 Main Reasons CAM Is Rising in Popularity
July 15, 2021Many treatments fall under the umbrella of Complementary and Alternative Medicine or CAM. Some of the most commonly used CAM therapies include: Acupuncture Chiropractic Food counseling Herbalism Massa...
Tips to Stay Fit at Thanksgiving
October 1, 2022For many centuries, Thanksgiving has been considered a national holiday in the U.S. and Canada to celebrate the harvest and other blessings of the preceding year. The traditions behind it have evolved...
Acknowledging Cancer’s PTSD-Causing Trauma
June 15, 2024Polls in the United States and Europe revealed that half the population are more afraid of cancer than any other disease. Cancer is, after all, a life-altering event that can trigger a rollercoaster o...