
Home Life

Falafel Recipe

 September 7, 2012

Falafel Recipe I just couldn’t share a hummus recipe without adding my favorite falafel one. And it just happens to be named, My Favorite Falafel Recipe! How’s that for irony? 1 cup dried chickpeas 1/2 large onion, roughly chopped (about 1 cup) 2 tablespoons finely chopped fresh parsley 2 tablespoons finely chopped fresh cilantro 1 teaspoon […]

Easy and delicious Hummus recipe

 September 7, 2012

Easy and delicious Hummus recipe This recipe makes about 5 cups or 10 – 15 servings. 4 cups of drained, cooked chickpeas (I usually cook mine in vegetable stock.) Reserve the liquid 6 garlic cloves, chopped 3 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil 1/2 teaspoon sea salt 1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper […]

Is a Mediterranean diet helpful or just another fad?

 September 6, 2012

Is a Mediterranean diet helpful or just another fad? I recently read an article stating that following a Mediterranean diet helps some patients diagnosed with type 2 diabetes stay off medications. Since the diet is high in fiber, digestion is slowed down, preventing wild shifts in blood sugar.  Any diet which is high in fruits, […]

Are Our Children Going To Keep Us A First World?

 September 3, 2012

Are Our Children Going To Keep Us A First World? I have been in the medical field for many decades. When certain topics come up, I immediately start thinking about the future of medicine. I am really worried about the future of good solid medicine. No, it’s not the Obama Care that bothers me the […]

I am back!

 September 3, 2012

I am back!   I think sometimes we all allow our emotions to get the better of us, or at least I do. Things do not always go the way we think they should or wish they would. Sometimes you do the best you can for someone and you realize that they do not even […]

The Unseen Forces of Life

 July 27, 2012

The Unseen Forces of Life The other afternoon I decided to take Lucy, my dog, out and sit for a few minutes in the back yard. It was late afternoon and it looked as if we may have had a storm brewing to the north of us. I kept a close eye on Lucy because […]

Living By The Sea- Preventive Medicine?

 July 25, 2012

Living By The Sea- Preventive Medicine? I recently read a few articles and studies which reveal those who live near the sea have better health! British researchers from the University of Exeter found those who live inland were less likely to report having ratings of “good health” than people who live closer to the coast. […]

Side Effects Of A Sick Health Care System

 July 22, 2012

Side Effects Of A Sick Health Care System   This is a wonderful era to be living in. There are so many advances in technology and science that we are experiencing daily. New improvements in building materials, road and bridge designs, transportation, new types of appliances, and much more. Technology has brought about wonderful ways […]

Pay Attention to Your Nail Moons

 May 31, 2012

Pay Attention to Your Nail Moons   In the “old days”, whenever you went to see your doctor, some of the first things they would do to assess your problems are no longer done. All doctors take your blood pressure but do they still ask you to stick out your tongue and say OU? Not […]

News From China: Punishment By Death To Those Who Are Found Guilty Of Food Safety Violations

 April 30, 2012

News From China: Punishment By Death To Those Who Are Found Guilty Of Food Safety Violations I just received an article released by World Health News that made me say “wow”. Chinese authorities indicated they were imposing the death penalty as part of China’s ongoing battle to tackle food safety breaches. We may remember when […]