
Be Careful With Vitamin D

 December 23, 2022

Let’s talk about vitamin D like dog and the liver. The liver is so important to our bodies, we have to have our liver. Vitamin D is a fat soluble vitamin, there’s two types of vitamins. There’s the fat soluble and the water soluble when it comes to fat solubles. That is the A, D, […]

Alternative Can Work

 December 23, 2022

My Thoughts on World Cancer Day

 December 23, 2022

Hi, I’m Dr. Branyon with New Hope Unlimited. Today is February the 4th 2022. If you are not watching this video on today, that’s okay. Because whether it’s February, the 4th 2022 are three months down the road or a year down the road or two, five years down the road, my purpose in this […]

What is The Best Olive Oil For Health

 December 16, 2022

Hi, I’m Dr. Fredda Branyon with New Hope Unlimited. I want to talk to you about the different types of olive oils today, and why they’re so important. A spicy for cancer patients, I tell our cancer patients, out of all the oils, please use the olive oil, but not just an olive oil, it’s […]


 December 15, 2022

Have you ever had fear and it just took a hold of you and it was a horrible feeling? And then when, when that event was over with, it’s like, “Why did I worry so much? Why was it so fearful to me?” Well, scientists say that the only fear that we’re actually born with, […]

Tips For Eating Better

 December 8, 2022

Hi everyone, I’m Dr. Brand new with new hope unlimited. Thank you again for being with me. And I hope I’m gonna make your time worthwhile. I am in the kitchen today, you know, I, when you know better, and you learn the truth about a lot of things, then it tends to hit home. […]

A Wonderful Email

 December 8, 2022

I received an email this morning from Robert Kiyosaki and I want to share it with you. Please listen closely. We are called to be architects of the future, not its victims. We need to be architects, we need to take control of our future and mold it to our dreams and our desires. But […]

Mr Super Food Sweet Potato

 December 8, 2022

> Is it a bird? Is it a plane? Is it a UFO? No, it’s a superfood sweet potato! Yes, it’s true. Sweet potatoes is considered a superfood. But what most people don’t know, with cancer, is that studies out of Japan show that sweet potatoes are great for helping to kill off cancerous tumors. […]

The 5 R’s

 November 30, 2022

Have you heard about the five R’s? The five R’s are Release, Reclaim, Recharge, Reactivate and another Reclaim. Sometimes our lives just don’t go like we want them to go. So that’s a good time to think about the five R’s. Release. Release the past, release the hurt, the grief, because it serves you no […]