Tips For Eating Better

Hi everyone, I’m Dr. Brand new with new hope unlimited. Thank you again for being with me. And I hope I’m gonna make your time worthwhile. I am in the kitchen today, you know, I, when you know better, and you learn the truth about a lot of things, then it tends to hit home. And for me, I try my best to eat as healthy as I can. It’s not always 100% possible, possible. And I don’t want you to stress out thinking you’re going to be 100% either, unless you’ve got your own farm, cattle, chickens, all of that. And it’s possible. But for me, that’s kind of in the city. And I don’t believe everything you read are all the labels, please don’t believe the labels. And we’ll talk about that. But I’m so I’m in the kitchen today, because I want to eat the best I can. And that does not mean when I’m starving, and I’m getting off from work and I’m heading home, and my stomach goes growling or whatever, then I’m going to stop it McDonald’s, or whatever, or any of those places that it made the call that one but, you know, that’s kind of the best known place. But I don’t want to do any of that I try my best and I don’t do any of it. So once again, I get calm, tired, no telling what time I’m gonna get home, you don’t want to go into the kitchen and start cooking. So what I do is I will come in on a usually it’s a week, a weekend day. But I would lay out a couple of hours for myself. And I will make out a menu. And I learned a long time ago, it does not take as much to do this. We think it does. Because when I first started doing this by overcoat, and I so wasted so much food and money. So I would recommend starting off at a little bit at a time if you’re gonna do what I’m about to tell you. But I will take a day, and it’s going to be my brother day. So I love music. And music helps to solve it revives you, if you listen to the correct music, none of this YT sad music, good music and the kinds of points you want to kind of move, you just want to move a little bit. And if you don’t like music, I would really suggest slowly getting into a little bit of music. Because music can really change and it can heal. So I suggest, but anyway, I’ll turn on some music.

I’ve made my menu for the week, meaning I’m gonna cook it all right now, except some of my salads. I want those fresh, I like salads fresh. But now cook all my foods that I’m going to use for the week. And I will put it in the refrigerator. And on those days, I’m just so tired for those mornings that I’m waking up and just dragging so bad and my coffee hasn’t gotten me into the motivation began. And I just don’t want to fix breakfast from breakfast is very important. Your sales need your the energy that your breakfast can give you. And I’m not talking cereal. But we will talk about that again. So once again, my problem is I want to talk about so much for you. But we are limited on time videos, because they tell me that sciences said or the numbers said that you can only have the attention span of a person for so many minutes. Don’t go along. So try not to go along trying to get what I can. And I try not to talk too fast. But I got so much to tell you.

So I’m having to make several videos, but back to cook. So I will cook all my meals, put them in the refrigerator. And each day when I come home from work or whatever I go to the refrigerator think oh, yes, I want these green beans. And I’ll take some of these and some of that. The next day. I’ll come back and I’ll get back to green beans. I’ll pick something else. So you’ve got a little bit of a ride array of different foods, but you’ve got it With a balanced meal, and then you just warm it up, and I am not talking about in the microwave, please, please get away from the microwave, there’s so much research on that. It literally changes the molecules of your food. So I will help and guide you as best I can. But that’s a way to ensure that you can get good balanced meals. And for me, I really, at my age, oh, I’m old enough to be most of your grandmother’s. But at my age, I really am trying to stay healthy, so that I can be around for a long time, so that I can continue to help our patients and you the viewers. So take some time for yourself, AKA your day. And just spend time in the kitchen with some good music, and loud music. As I once heard, the music’s too loud, you’re too old, we never get too old. Build the beat, and go with it. Have fun in the kitchen, make it from the moment you wake up, I’m going to go have fun, make life fun. We have a choice. make life fun.

One other thing I want to quickly tell you, it’s about the Yuka. Yuka is an app that one of my patients just told me about and I downloaded it. It’s a free app. It’s based out of Paris. And it’s basically used all over the world. And it’s free. And yes, my daddy always said nothing’s for free lawyers to catch. Gotta be making some money. Well, I research that because I am a doubting Thomas. So it is based out of Paris. And they do make money. But it is a company that is not the app, the app is free and there’s no advertisements or in in the app, you’ve got to pay for this. But it is paid for by another company that that you can add has. And it is a pay per program. It will do it will give you different diets and that sort of thing. But that’s not what I’m talking about. I would love to show it. But I’m a one man, one woman person here. And my iPhone is right here. So I can’t show it to you. But if you look, it’s it’s you can download it. It’s you can even Google it to find out before you want to download it. It’s safe and secure. But here’s what it does. It will give you the app to wear when you go to the grocery store. And you’re scratching your head because you remember Oh, so munstead was just right, which is good for you or not good for you. What do you just put that app on, and you will hold that scanner.

Over here’s let me just show you. Here’s my vegetable organic vegetable broth that I’m using today. But here is the scanner. So you will just hold that over the scanner. And immediately it pops up. It will give you the nutrients, the calories, the sodium sugar’s everything that you really need to be concerned about. It helps oh my goodness, it helps shopping for good food a lot quicker and easier. It will even list from one to 100 If it’s good, bad, poor, excellent. And by the way, I did use my app. And this was excellent. And so I hope you’ve learned a little bit today from what I’m doing in the kitchen. And I’m about to do several more videos because as I put things in the oven, I’ve got some time to waste. So I’m going to have fun. Like I said, I’m going to have fun today. So watch for the other videos if you’re interested. And I do so appreciate you spending time with me. We’re going to talk about different salts today. On the other videos, we’re going to talk about lots of different things.

Thank you for being with me, and I’ll see you on the next one. Tell yourself you love yourself, even if you don’t believe it, because the more you speak it the more you hear it. Every cell in your body hears See? So we will head out and need to check what’s in the oven. As soon as I get that out and get something else going, I’m going to come right back in probably do stop next. Thank you. Oh, by the way to have three at least three other people you love them. We need more love and compassion nowadays. Thank you. I love you.