

Why Leukemia Can Return After Chemotherapy

 February 22, 2016

Scientist from the Weizmann Institute of Science researched the possible reasons why leukemia returned after chemotherapy and patients reaching remission. It looks like they forgot to research about the immune system’s wonderful ability to help fight cancer. Their new research revealed that the cancer involves a breakdown in the body’s mechanism that works to regulate […]

Do You Have Hope?

 February 19, 2016

Desmond Tutu once said, “Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness.” Have you ever thought about what is hope? How do you get it? Where does it come from? Whats the meaning of it? It is a strange uplifting emotion that can do miracles if one can […]

Want A Laugh?

 February 18, 2016

It is true that laughter is the best medicine. Think back about the time that someone made you laugh so hard that you still remember it very clearly. The hidden benefits of your laughter were much more than you could ever imagine. Laughter is like a kick start for the immune system. Carol, one of […]

Russia Has Banned Three American Wine Companies

 February 17, 2016

Last month the Russian Agency for health and consumer rights banned several batches of United States made wines after tests found them to be contaminated with excessive amounts of harmful substances. It was reported that the tests proved the wines contained phthalate and bifenazate insecticides in them. The discovery prompted them to expand further checks […]

Why Brussel Sprouts In Your Cancer Diet?

 February 15, 2016

Ok, It might be time to do an “attitude” check. Do you find yourself wanting to make a face at the thought of eating brussel sprouts? Worse than that, do you feel like you could gag just at the thought of the smell of them? Wish you could be a kid again and slip it […]

Cancer To Rise 75% Within 14 Years Coming

 February 12, 2016

Did you know that by 2030, it is predicted that the number of new cancer cases will increase by 75% of what it is now.That means every day more and more people are being diagnosed with cancer. More cases are diagnosed today than it was 20 years ago. No, let me say not 20 years […]

What We Need To Know Now!

 February 10, 2016

I hope that by now we all are beginning to understand the importance of stress. Stress is the “silent killer”. I believe stress itself can cause stresses on the immune system which in turn, can cause high blood pressure, stroke, heart disease, and can allow abnormal cells to get by the “PAC Man” process of […]

February is Prenatal Infection Prevention Month

 February 8, 2016

February is Prenatal Infection Prevention Month and pregnant moms around the nation can take this time to take extra precautions necessary for the prevention of prenatal infections. Already facing emotions in a see-saw, pregnant moms also fret about kicks and twinges they feel as well as the sometimes on-going battle for food cravings. As a […]

Are You Brushing With Triclosan?

 February 8, 2016

How would you feel if someone told you that you were putting a cancer forming poison in your mouth every time you brushed your teeth? I just read an article that was published in InvestorPlace which pretty much says thats what we are doing if you use Colgate.   Karl Utermohlen reported that Colgate toothpaste […]

Increase Heart Disease Awareness This February

 February 6, 2016

A good heart and good health really should be our possessions most prized. After all, life is a gift. The thing is, it is usually only when something unforeseen or unfortunate happens that we remember to treasure our health. More than our biological muscle, our heart signifies spirit, strength, vitality, happiness, hope, love, life, vibrancy […]