

Common Obstacles to Weight Loss

 August 30, 2013

Common Obstacles to Weight Loss You can’t be perfect – especially if you are just new to dieting and working out. You may bump into some weight-loss challenges along the way that you may tend to lose your focus, ruin your diet plans or worse give up everything that you have started. Do everything to […]

Do not leave your doctor’s office until… (part 3)

 May 3, 2013

Medical records are not created equal. Just as you, your records are unique to you and only you. Medical records are created when you receive treatment of any kind, whether it is a simple look at a mole to see if it’s ok, or if you received a dreaded diagnosis. It’s all in your records […]

Cash Rewards For Weight Loss Favored By Employees

 April 12, 2013

Cash Rewards For Weight Loss Favored By Employees There’s a growing number of companies who are at present providing new weight loss incentive strategies to inspire healthful practices and lifestyles around work settings. Researchers from the University of Michigan have discovered that rewards in the form of money are a successful kind of incentive for […]

Behavioral Issues in Children Connected To Sleep Apnea

 April 12, 2013

Behavioral Issues in Children Connected To Sleep Apnea A sleep-disordered breathing condition called sleep apnea has been linked to rising statistics of behavioral problems in children, behavioral problems similar to ADHD. Apart from this, it was also learned that sleep apnea is also linked to adaptive and learning issues in kids. The results were posted […]

Medical Researchers Discover Gene Responsible For Regular Epilepsy Type

 April 10, 2013

Medical Researchers Discover Gene Responsible For Regular Epilepsy Type Medical specialists have discovered a certain gene that is connected to the development of the most standard kind of epilepsy. This is a prime discovery because it could lead to a genetic exam for the illness. In addition, it was also suggested that the find can […]

Family Men More Likely To Succumb To Depression Without Company Of Children

 April 4, 2013

Family Men More Likely To Succumb To Depression Without Company Of Children   A surprising study conducted by British researchers discovered that men succumb to depression as much as women if they were left childless. The study also revealed that familial expectations and culture can influence a man’s decision to have kids.A researcher from Keele […]

Money vs Health. Which Would You Like?

 March 13, 2013

Money vs Health. Which Would You Like? Sometimes many of us start to think about what we don’t have and it can depress us. I’ve been there but I can honestly say that in my older years, I no longer try to be like the Jones’s. That has not made me any better or worse materially, but it has […]

Asking For Prayers

 March 7, 2013

Asking For Prayers Sometimes I am amazed at what the “world wide” web can actually do for us. Today I received a letter from one of our readers in Karachi, Pakistan. The family is devastated and in tremendous heartbreak for their mother. Their mother has late stage 4 oral cancer. The reader explained that his […]

Preventing Environmental Cancer Risks

 February 28, 2013

Preventing Environmental Cancer Risks If you have 25 people in a room and asked how many people knew someone who have had cancer, most likely all 25 would raise their hands. If you then asked how many in the room had a family member in the past who have had cancer, two thirds or more […]

Lumpy Breast

 February 26, 2013

Do you have lumpy boobs? Oops, I know that is getting a little personal, however today I want to write a little about breast care. As we all have been taught by either our mother, the doctor, the nurse, or even on the TV news, checking our breast for lumps or masses in very important. […]