
Reinvention Generation

Drug Shortages in America: Patients are becoming victims

 September 20, 2013

Two years ago a scientist and close friend told me there was about to be a drug shortage in the United States. I did not believe him and actually smirked at the idea. In my opinion, the drug industry is a multi billion dollar if not trillion dollar business in the United States. I could […]

How to Stimulate Brain Function with a 20-Minute Yoga Session

 September 11, 2013

How to Stimulate Brain Function with a 20-Minute Yoga Session Have you been having difficulty focusing at work or find yourself unable to remember what you reviewed for your exams lately? If the answer is yes, then you should consider practicing yoga for at least 20 minutes a day. A recent study has reported that […]

Leg Cramps

 July 18, 2013

Leg Cramps Have you ever awakened from a good night’s sleep with a muscle cramp or what some people call charley horse? If you have, then you know it’s not a stroll in the park. It’s more likely a stroll on Barbed Wire Lane! It could hurt and depending on where the cramp is, it’s down right debilitating. […]

Get Smart About Sodium [Infographic]

 May 16, 2013

Get Smart About Sodium [Infographic]   Eating too much salt can harm your heart. Find out if you’re overdosing on sodium and learn the saltiest foods to limit. Click here for our Blog Disclaimer.

Do not leave your doctor’s office until… (part 3)

 May 3, 2013

Medical records are not created equal. Just as you, your records are unique to you and only you. Medical records are created when you receive treatment of any kind, whether it is a simple look at a mole to see if it’s ok, or if you received a dreaded diagnosis. It’s all in your records […]

5 Signs Exercise Is Causing Your Asthma

 April 24, 2013

5 Signs Exercise Is Causing Your Asthma Do you have exercise-induced asthma or exercise-induced bronchospasm? Many people who feel shortness of breath while working out don’t know they have it. Regular exercise is a pillar of healthy living, but for millions of Americans a jog or run through the park might cause panting, wheezing, and […]

Cash Rewards For Weight Loss Favored By Employees

 April 12, 2013

Cash Rewards For Weight Loss Favored By Employees There’s a growing number of companies who are at present providing new weight loss incentive strategies to inspire healthful practices and lifestyles around work settings. Researchers from the University of Michigan have discovered that rewards in the form of money are a successful kind of incentive for […]

Behavioral Issues in Children Connected To Sleep Apnea

 April 12, 2013

Behavioral Issues in Children Connected To Sleep Apnea A sleep-disordered breathing condition called sleep apnea has been linked to rising statistics of behavioral problems in children, behavioral problems similar to ADHD. Apart from this, it was also learned that sleep apnea is also linked to adaptive and learning issues in kids. The results were posted […]

Medical Researchers Discover Gene Responsible For Regular Epilepsy Type

 April 10, 2013

Medical Researchers Discover Gene Responsible For Regular Epilepsy Type Medical specialists have discovered a certain gene that is connected to the development of the most standard kind of epilepsy. This is a prime discovery because it could lead to a genetic exam for the illness. In addition, it was also suggested that the find can […]

Clandestine Information On SARS-like Virus In The Open Now

 April 2, 2013

Clandestine Information On SARS-like Virus In The Open Now A new find in terms of developing viruses may prove to be beneficial in terms of fighting deadly viral illnesses, researchers say. A distinct corona virus was recognized as the reason for harsh respiratory diseases among 14 individuals in places ranging from Saudi Arabia, United Kingdom, Jordan and […]