
Chronic Illness

Excuse Me, What? November is National Alzheimer’s Disease Awareness Month

 October 28, 2013

Excuse Me, What? November is National Alzheimer’s Disease Awareness Month If you haven’t forgotten, November is National Alzheimer’s Disease Awareness Month. Learn more about this disease and what you can do to help prevent its onset. Across America, in every state, every town or city, there will be that one individual who once carried a […]

Should You Lessen the Time You Spend with Your Smartphone?

 October 4, 2013

Should You Lessen the Time You Spend with Your Smartphone? Almost everyone has a smartphone nowadays, but people seem to be forgetting the health hazards associated with prolonged exposure to mobile devices. Connectivity is the name of the game for many individuals and businesses today. Almost everyone has a handheld device within their reach and […]

Drug Shortages in America: Patients are becoming victims

 September 20, 2013

Two years ago a scientist and close friend told me there was about to be a drug shortage in the United States. I did not believe him and actually smirked at the idea. In my opinion, the drug industry is a multi billion dollar if not trillion dollar business in the United States. I could […]

Get Smart About Sodium [Infographic]

 May 16, 2013

Get Smart About Sodium [Infographic]   Eating too much salt can harm your heart. Find out if you’re overdosing on sodium and learn the saltiest foods to limit. Click here for our Blog Disclaimer.

Do not leave your doctor’s office until… (part 3)

 May 3, 2013

Medical records are not created equal. Just as you, your records are unique to you and only you. Medical records are created when you receive treatment of any kind, whether it is a simple look at a mole to see if it’s ok, or if you received a dreaded diagnosis. It’s all in your records […]

Medical Researchers Discover Gene Responsible For Regular Epilepsy Type

 April 10, 2013

Medical Researchers Discover Gene Responsible For Regular Epilepsy Type Medical specialists have discovered a certain gene that is connected to the development of the most standard kind of epilepsy. This is a prime discovery because it could lead to a genetic exam for the illness. In addition, it was also suggested that the find can […]

Family Men More Likely To Succumb To Depression Without Company Of Children

 April 4, 2013

Family Men More Likely To Succumb To Depression Without Company Of Children   A surprising study conducted by British researchers discovered that men succumb to depression as much as women if they were left childless. The study also revealed that familial expectations and culture can influence a man’s decision to have kids.A researcher from Keele […]

Clandestine Information On SARS-like Virus In The Open Now

 April 2, 2013

Clandestine Information On SARS-like Virus In The Open Now A new find in terms of developing viruses may prove to be beneficial in terms of fighting deadly viral illnesses, researchers say. A distinct corona virus was recognized as the reason for harsh respiratory diseases among 14 individuals in places ranging from Saudi Arabia, United Kingdom, Jordan and […]

Cancer Loves Sugar. CBS 60 Minutes

 March 26, 2013

Cancer Loves Sugar. CBS 60 Minutes We have been telling our patients for decades that cancer loves sugar. There is so much scientific proof of this. Cancer cells will take up a sugar molecule immediately when introduced into the blood stream by an IV. That is the reason doctors use dextrose as the carrier in […]

Preventing Environmental Cancer Risks

 February 28, 2013

Preventing Environmental Cancer Risks If you have 25 people in a room and asked how many people knew someone who have had cancer, most likely all 25 would raise their hands. If you then asked how many in the room had a family member in the past who have had cancer, two thirds or more […]