The most used agricultural chemical in history is Glyphosate, the active ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup herbicide. In 2014 farmers sprayed enough glyphosate to apply 0.8 pounds of this chemical to every acre of cultivated cropland in the U.S. and nearly 0.5 pounds of this chemical to all cropland worldwide. The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) National Residue Program monitors pesticide residues in the U.S. food supply but does NOT test for glyphosate residues. Now why is that?
Glyphosate Has Been Detected In Blood, Urine, And Breast Milk
The International Agency for Research on Cancer (ARC) determined glyphosate is a “probable carcinogen” in March of 2015. This chemical has been detected in blood, breast milk and urine samples. U.S. women had maximum glyphosate levels that were more than 8 times higher than levels found in urine of Europeans and reported by the Moms Across America and Sustainable Pulse organizations. A recent study was conducted by Alliance for Natural Health (ANH) that revealed our food system has been saturated with glyphosate, reaching even into some organic products. Now that is scary when you think that even our organic foods, considered safe foods, might be contaminated with this chemical.
N-Acetylglyphosate Is An Analog Of Glyphosate
An analysis from ANH suggests that Americans are consuming glyphosate, a probably carcinogen, every day and this did not take into account analogs of glyphosate such as N-Acetylglyphosate which is used by Dupont in their herbicide formulations used for GE crops. They also found the highest levels of glyphosate in non-genetically engineered crops including bagels, bread and wheat cereal.
In northern regions, the wheat and barley must be dried out prior to harvest. Rather than wait, farmers realized they could spray the plants with glyphosate, killing the crop and accelerating their drying, a process known as desiccating. Therefore, even non-GE foods are likely to be contaminated with this chemical. Other crops that are common desiccated with this chemical are lentils, peas, non-GMO soybeans, corn, flax, rye and buckwheat, triticale, canola, millet, sugar beets, portatoes and sunflowers.
PCB’s Were Banned In The US But Monsanto Says Theirs Is OK
Monsanto products have been poisoning people and the environment for decades. The company claimed the PCBs it produced were safe and “singularly free of difficulties” yet the U.S. government banned PCBs in 1976 due to their carcinogenic potential.
Monsanto had full knowledge of the severity of the pollution it caused and San Diego has sued Monsanto for polluting the Coronado Bay with PCBs and Seattle also filed a lawsuit against the company for PCB pollution. San Jose, Oakland and Berkeley, California and Spokane, Washington have filed other lawsuits. Millions have been spent by Monsanto to defeat GMO labeling initiatives. The company donated nearly $5million to the anti-labeling campaign in Washington State in 2013 and more than $7 million in 2012 to defeat California’s Proposition 37. He does not want us all to know what’s in your food! He also spent more than $101 million on lobbying to avert GMO labeling and preempt state right and that was in 2015 alone.
The biotech industry is trying to push the QR code as an answer for consumer concerns about GE foods. Quick Response (QR) code can be scanned and read by smart phones and other QR readers. These are not an adequate substitute for package labels. These smart labels hardly improve access to information and make finding the truth time-consuming and cumbersome. That way most Americans will remain ignorant about the presence of GMOs in their products. Read those labels and research products fully and demand your right to have all information of ingredients listed.
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