Eat These to Stay Hydrated in Phoenix, Arizona’s Hot Weather

Eat These to Stay Hydrated in Phoenix, Arizona’s Hot WeatherDespite popular belief, drinking a gallon of water a day is not the only way to stay hydrated. Although drinking a minimum of eight glasses every day is necessary to avoid dehydration, you can also ensure that you are getting enough water by adding H2O-rich foods to your diet.

Are you ready to fill your fridge with thirst-quenching fruits and veggies? Here are three foods that you should snack on to keep you hydrated throughout the day:

  1. Watermelons

If you are searching for ways to get more water in your system, you can never go wrong with having a serving of watermelon throughout your day. Watermelons are just bursting with juicy goodness, with 93% of the fruit being water. Its unique combination of salts, minerals, and natural sugars can help hydrate your body as adequately as a glass of water. In addition, its magnesium, potassium, and sodium contents add to a watermelon’s superb hydrating benefits.

According to Medical News Today, this water-filled fruit not only works in keeping you hydrated, but it also provides your body with other vital nutrients. The vitamins and minerals found in watermelons include vitamins A, B-6, and C, niacin, thiamin, riboflavin, pantothenic acid, phosphorus, folate, zinc, copper, manganese, choline, lycopene,  selenium, and betaine — all of which are necessary to maintain a strong and healthy body.

  1. Cucumbers

Do you ever wonder why people at the spa put slices of cucumber on their eyes? With a water content of 96%, cucumbers have one of the highest water content of any solid food. The vegetable is incredibly effective at hydrating the skin and body, and it is so versatile that you can quickly add it to smoothies and salads.

Conversely, there is more to a cucumber than ultra-hydrating properties. While munching away on this veggie, you will also be absorbing vitamin C, which aids in protecting the body against free radicals and helps lower your risk of various diseases and cancers. It is also an excellent source of (1) vitamin K, which regulates normal blood clotting and assist in the transport of calcium throughout the body; and (2) potassium, which prevents stroke, high blood pressure, and disorders in the heart and kidney.

  1. Tomatoes

If you slice a tomato in half, you will see just how juicy and abundant in water content it is. With a water content of 94.5%, adding tomatoes to your diet can help you stay hydrated. The fruit, often mistaken for a vegetable, is also full of vital vitamins and minerals, including all four major carotenoids: alpha- and beta-carotene, lutein, and lycopene. Tomatoes are also rich in high-power antioxidants, including vitamins C and E.

Tomatoes are wonderfully versatile and are found in almost every kitchen. But if you are looking for ways to eat more of this high-water-content food, try adding tomatoes to your everyday sauces or condiments, salads, and sandwiches.

Are you sick of drinking water?

Drinking water day in and day out can start to taste a bit bland (not that it has any flavor to begin with). This is also where watermelons, cucumbers, and tomatoes come in handy. These fruits and veggies can add the flavor you crave without piling on the calories. Fruits and vegetables infused in water is not only a healthy solution to staying hydrated, but it also dilutes the boredom of drinking plain, tasteless liquid.