Cancer Symptoms To Know


If you notice a new spot on your skin or any that change size, shape or color, it could be a sign of skin cancer. Notice of any unusual marks should be checked with your doctor.

A nagging cough isn’t always a sign of being cancer. It’s usually caused by postnasal drip, asthma, acid reflux or an infection. If you smoke, see your doctor with these signs so they might test the mucus from your lungs or do a chest x-ray to rule out lung cancer.

Most breast changes you might see are seldom cancer but it’s still important to let your doctor know about them and check them out. Report any lumps, nipple changes, discharge, redness, thickening or pain in your breasts. You may need a mammogram, MRI or even a biopsy.

If that full, bloated feeling doesn’t get better, or the fatigue, weight loss or back pain persists, have it checked out. Constant bloating in women could be a sign of ovarian cancer.

As men get older they have urinary issues like the need to go more often, leaks or a weak stream. Usually this is caused from an enlarged prostate but they could also mean prostate cancer. See a physician and have the PSA blood test.

Swollen lymph nodes in the glands of your neck, armpits and other places in your body, often means you’re fighting an infection. But, some cancer like lymphoma and leukemia can also cause this kind of swelling. See your doctor to find the cause.

Spotting blood in the toilet after you go would most likely be from swollen, inflamed veins called hemorrhoids, but there’s a chance it could be colon cancer so call your doctor. Blood in the urine could be a urinary track infection but could also be kidney or bladder cancer.

If a man notices a slump or swelling in his testicles, he should see a doctor right away. A painless lump is the most common sign of testicular cancer. Sometimes a man may just have a heavy feeling in his lower belly or scrotum or just think his testicles feel larger.

Difficulty in swallowing can be the common cold, acid reflux or even some medicine can make it hard to swallow. This can also be a sign of throat cancer or the pipe between your mouth and stomach. Your doctor can run some tests to rule cancer out.

Vaginal bleeding that isn’t part of your usual period can be caused by fibroids or even birth control. Be sure to tell your doctor if you are bleeding between periods, after sex or have a bloody discharge to rule out cancer of the uterus, cervix or vagina.

If you have white or red patches or sores in your mouth that don’t heal after a couple of weeks (especially if you smoke) see your doctor. It could be oral cancer. Also any lumps in your cheek, trouble moving your jaw or mouth pain.

Unexplained weight loss can be a sign of cancer of the pancreas, stomach, esophagus or lungs. Stress or thyroid problems could also be the cause.

A fever that won’t go away and doesn’t have an obvious cause could be a sign of blood cancer like leukemia or lymphoma. It can also be side effects of some medicines.

Your doctor should check out indigestion that doesn’t stop. This could be a sign of stomach cancer and some tests need to be run.

Fatigue can be an early sign of some cancers, like leukemia, and some colon and stomach cancers can cause blood loss that you can’t see, making you feel tired. Again, talk with your doctor.

You know your body, so pay attention to the signs it’s giving you. It never hurts to be safe……and not sorry. It’s every person’s own duty to watch for signs of illness.
-Dr Fredda Branyon

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