Reading the back labels of household cleaning products will inform us that chemicals are highly common in its composition to terminate bacteria and viruses. Even the simplest of cleaning products also contains these types of chemicals.
Everyday, our health is at risk because of unseen dangers. From the food we eat to who we socialize with, all of these can be toxic carriers that can bring harm to our body. Although we’ve already resolved that healthy lifestyle is the best defense for chronic pains and possible illness, we should not underestimate the environment that we live in. Sometimes the most inconspicuous thing could be the most dangerous of all.
Our home, in particular, is a den of bacteria, especially the small corners that we can’t reach. In hope to diminish these threats, we take extreme measures to eliminate any proof of their existence; little do we know that the same weapon we use against them could also cause our fast impairment. Yes, we are safe from germs, but what about toxic chemicals?
Household cleaning product manufacturers have marketed their products well:
“ …up to 30 times more disinfectant power than bleaches …”
The tone may sound promising but the reality behind it is appalling. If you’ve used bleach before then you should be familiar with the stinging, burning feel in your hands when using this product. Now, imagine that 30 times more. That is just one of the most basic effects of a chemical-based cleaning product.
Good appearance and well intentions can be misleading. So we’ve narrowed it down to three of the most unseemingly toxic household cleaners ever manufactured, to help you see that even the simplest item can be quite harmful.
Dishwashing soaps
Dishwashing soaps are used in cleaning dishes after a meal to keep it safe from striving bacteria and disease carrying pests. Liquid or powder form, food contamination would still be possible because of the chemicals consisted in dishwashing soaps. This fact reflects on the number of children being poisoned per year (2.1million), which is very alarming.
The chemical residues left on dishes are not the only problem induced by dishwashing soaps. Our environment also gets affected when these chemicals gets washed down the drain, leading to water contamination, fish poisoning and increase in excessive algae.
Air Fresheners
Studies show that a well ventilated and nicely scented place can make a person feel happy, and that it can also enhance their mood throughout the day. But is feeling happy enough to fight off phthalates?
Phthalates are used as plastic softeners, anti-foaming agents in aerosols, in vinyl found in children’s toys, automobiles, paints, pesticides, and in cosmetics and fragrances. A group of scientists discovered that this chemical is also responsible for reproductive abnormalities in males. Other than that, formaldehyde, petroleum distillates, aerosol propellants, and dicholorobenzene are also contained within a single scented air freshening tool.
Laundry Detergents
Fashion has been widely accepted since the entrance of the 21st century. A career driven person wouldn’t want (or dare) to leave their place wearing a ketchup stain from last night’s dinner, so they (and we) make use of laundry detergents to remove stubborn stains. But in having a clean, well washed clothes what do we gain in return?
Commonly, a laundry detergent includes a petroleum distillates, or napthas, in its chemical ingredients. Napthas is a very harmful chemical linked to many chronic diseases, such as cancer, lung damage and/or inflammation, and mucous membrane damage.
Be well dressed or have a healthy body? You decide.
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