Top 5 Benefits of Breast Feeding

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For infants, breast milk is acknowledged widely as the most complete infant nutrition form. It has an array of benefits for the development, immunity, growth and health of infants.  No other food is able to replace breast milk and this includes store bought formula for infants. Even if there is a possibility of accumulated pollutants in mother’s milk, it is still superior overall from the perspectives of the overall health of both child and mother. Since infants are fragile and their bodies not fully developed, they need adequate nourishment and special care. Some breast milk nutrition components can be mimicked by formula but this is still not able to duplicate the essential human milk nutrients. Here are even more benefits of breast feeding.


Breastfeeding mothers are not as likely to develop later life osteoporosis. During pregnancy, they are also able to lose the gained weight from being pregnant and have lower risks of ovarian, uterine and breast cancer.

There are also benefits gained by the mother when she breast feeds her baby. Women grow both emotionally and physically from bonding with her child as she breast feeds. Just as the milk from her breasts are specifically designed to nourish infants, this milk also aids in the mother’s health. For example, oxytocin is released by breastfeeding mothers which are hormones that cause the uterus to quickly return to its original size. Weight is also lost more easily by a woman who breast feeds. As the bodies of mothers produce milk, they burn more calories than usual. This helps them lose weight. You can even look at it like the gained pregnancy weight is actually going to serve as a lactation source of energy.
