Contraception: The Barrier Method

The birth control pill, otherwise known as the Pill, is one of the more common forms of contraception used in the United States today. It is easy to acquire, quite affordable, and fairly straightforward when it comes to keeping unwanted pregnancy at bay – provided that you remember to take it on time, that is.

However, we have already written about the downsides to the Pill, particularly its side effects. It is also a hormonal contraception that, while not necessarily common, can cause women problems in the long run. In this blog, we are going to talk about other forms of contraception that can be used as alternatives to the Pill. Particularly, some of the things you can consider if you are interested to know more about The Barrier Method.

The Barrier Method

In lieu of the Pill, many couples opt to go for “The Barrier Method,” which means putting a barrier before or during intercourse to prevent the sperm from reaching the uterus. This then involves using an item of some kind that acts as a physical barrier, and having to keep that item in place several hours after the intercourse.

The Barrier Method is just one form of birth control that is an effective alternative to birth control pills. Whatever form of birth control you use, just make sure that you are comfortable, and that you and your partner are using them as directed to ensure that you are practicing safe sex.

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