Causes Of Breast Pain

Breast pain has been reported by all ages of women and is known as mastalgia. This breast pain can occur both before and after menopause, but is most common in younger menstruating women. Breast pain is reported in nearly 70% of women at some point in their lives and only about 15% required medical attention. Breast pain and the severity can vary in location and occur in both breasts or only one, or the underarm. This can be from mild to severe and is most typically in the form of tenderness, sharp burning or even tightening of the breast tissue. Some hormonal changes can cause pain such as menstruation, pregnancy, lactation and menopause.

Some Common Causes of Breast Pain:


See your healthcare provider to determine the cause of your breast pain. Be sure to wear a supportive bra, limit intake of caffeine and sodium, apply hot or cold compresses, consume a low-fat diet, keep a healthy weight, take vitamins, use OTC meds as aspirin, try relaxation methods, consider cyst aspiration and keep a symptoms journal to work out your pain to determine if it’s cyclic or noncyclic.

Before any self-care techniques are used, be sure to see your physician for appropriate diagnosis. Some women may require medical intervention for their pain.

– Dr Fredda Branyon

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