That Slow Metabolism!

There are several things that slow your metabolism down and in effect, slow burning calories. Metabolism is defined as the process of how the body changes food into energy. If your metabolism is slow, there’s little you can do if it’s attributed to your genes. The best way to pep your metabolism is to exercise more.

An under-active or overactive thyroid and diabetes can also affect your metabolism. Stress also releases hormones that can cause a slow-down. A side effect of this is making you tired. To combat this, keep up with treatment and make it a priority to nip stress in the bud.

The lack of sleep can help your metabolism stay steady, but when you toss and turn every night, it’s harder for the body to use the energy well and can more likely cause certain negative conditions. Get those 7-9 hours of sleep to feel much better.

If you don’t eat enough, your metabolism goes to a slow-mo. If you use a severe diet, especially when exercising, this teaches your body to make do with fewer calories. That will backfire because your body clings to those calories, making it harder to lose those pounds. To correct this, keep your weight-loss plan realistic.

Drink that H2O! It helps burn energy and fuels that weight loss. Water also helps fill you up so that you eat less. Water is necessary! Sip through the day.

If you are a coffee drinker try drinking decaf coffee. It has been shown by researchers that caffeinated coffee can affect blood sugar levels, so you may need to limit it. Many other things can be used to help your metabolism.

Calcium is needed for your bones, but it is also a key nutrient for your metabolism. Calcium can be gained from milk and dairy products but also in foods such as cereals, orange juice, almond milk, canned salmon, turnip greens, kale and tofu.

Heat set too high at night affects that metabolism. Turn that temperature down so that it is 66 degrees before bedtime. That will boost brown-fat levels. When it’s cold outside, take a regular brisk walk to help turn your body heat down. Room temperatures of 75 degrees keep your body from making brown fat that is loaded with calorie-burning cells.

Your meds are another thing that can slow down your metabolism. Many antidepressants and certain antipsychotics that are ordered by your doctor can slow that metabolism. If you think these prescriptions might be affecting your metabolism, talk with your doctor about a substitute.

Applying some of these suggestions might help you live a healthier life with more energy, and possibly some weight loss while you are at it.

–Dr Fredda Branyon